
Link Old Uploaded Pins Back To Your Website

31 Days to a Better Pinterest Page Day 8


Welcome to day 8 to 31 Days to a Better Pinterest Page. I hope you’re enjoying all the blog posts so far. For day 8, you will be looking over old pins that you have uploaded pins and ensure that they are linked back to your website. After all, why would you want to lose potential traffic.

This is a common mistake that I see new businesses make on Pinterest that is easily avoidable anybody has total control over. It’s not linking uploaded content back to a desired url or product page.

If you upload a picture onto Pinterest, it asks you to choose a board as well as to fill in a description. What Pinterest doesn’t automatically do is ask you if you want to put in a url you want the pin to redirect to.

In order to do this, go to the desktop version of Pinterest and hover over the pin you’ve uploaded. A pencil icon on the top right should show. Click on it, and a button a pop up box will show. At the bottom of this pop up box is the “Source.” You can change this to any url that you wish.

Link Content Back


This means when you have uploaded pins that are about your products or services onto Pinterest, you’re able to link them back to a specific url.

Regardless of whether the pin is a product, service or blog related, all uploaded pins should be linked back to some type of resource. If you have pins that are showing off your staff, have those linked back to a hiring page, or to the about us page.

I think what breaks my heart a little is to hear how a professional blogger uploads a picture, watches it get repinned thousands of times, only to realize that they forgot to put a source for the pin. It’s hard to say how much traffic is lost.

It’s important to make it a habit of linking pins back to a relevant website whenever possible.

Day 8 Actionable Step

Take the time to look over some of your pins that you have uploaded in the past that do not redirect to your website. Take the time to change as many as you can to link back to your business page that is relevant.

You don’t want to miss out on all the potential traffic.

Additional Resource:

On August 6th, 2014, Pinterest announced a new feature known as Pinterest Messages. It’s a great feature where you’re able to privately message followers who you also follow. You’re able to send pins, boards, and profiles over to them. You’re also able to share links, make it very easy to collaborate on projects.

This is definitely a feature worth knowing about Pinterest. To find out how you can use it personally, or for your business check out More in Media’s blog article about Pinterest messaging.

What other common mistakes do you see businesses make on Pinterest? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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Written by Vincent NG

I’m a social media marketer, particularly for Pinterest, It all started back in 2010 when Pinterest was in beta. It was the fastest independent website to get 10 million unique visitors in the U.S. This really struck a chord with me, and it was then that I knew that Pinterest was going to be a powerhouse in the world of digital and social media marketing.